
VW Combi

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VW Combi terdiri dari 3 jenis : VW Dakota, VW Combi, VW Brazil .Perbedaan VW Dakota dan Combidapat dilihat dari bagian depan kaca depannya, dimana pada kaca depan VW Dakota menyusung model belah 2 dengan permukaan datar sedangkan VW Combi mempunyai 1 buah kaca dengan permukaan melengkung. Sementara permukaan kaca depan pada VW Combi Brazil berbentuk melengkung dengan model kaca samping kotak dan bukaan pintu tengah seperti lemari.VW Dakota pertama kali diluncurkan tahun 1951 sedangkan Combi tahun 1968.Dilihat dari tipe :
 - VW jenis Dakota terdiri dari 26 type, diproduksi
dari tahun 1951 s/d 1967
 - VW Combi hanya terdiri dari 11 type, diproduksi dari     tahun 1968 s/d 1979.
  - VW Brazil atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Combras diproduksi dari tahun 1981 s/d 1985.
Keunggulan :
-  Mesin kendaraan VW Combi t8idak menggunakan air seperti
kendaraan lainnya.
-       Suspensinya lebih lembut dibandingkan dengan jenis
minibus type lain yang mempunyai tahun yang sama
-        Interior dan eksteriornya sederhana dan menarik.
Untuk perawatan ada beberapa  hal yang harus diperhatikan salah satunya
adalah penggantian oli mesin secara berkala dan sangat disarankan melakukan
penggantian oli pada bengkel khusus VW. Hal lain yang harus diperhatikan juga
adalah knalpot, jika terjadi kebocoran segera lakukan pengelasan atau segera
ganti dengan yang baru.Keadaan fisik selang-selang bensin juga harus diperiksa
secara berkala, tingkat kebocoran yang tinggi dapat mengakibatkan kebakaran
pada mesin.

VW Dakota

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Since the first VW toy is still widely heard the news that several types of VW's (especially the type of Dakota) are exported to overseas, especially to Japan after the restoration of both interior, exterior and engine in the three cities of Solo, Bandung and Tasikmalaya.
In the past (circa 2002an) rumors of a VW that has been restored at the Dakota by a Japanese buyer valued around 250 million. Oh yes I think this network has a lot of collector agents in different cities, when there is news or ads in the newspaper about Dakota that are sold they will come much less sold at a cheap price. For example one of the 1966 VW Dakotaku purchased the Bandung (which he said would be taken to Solo) around 2000 I think also in the framework of this project, it is evident when you submitted to the local Dakota Pajajaran bandung, in front of a home buyer already exists another Dakota. Maybe not every Dakota that they collect will be sent abroad, in part serves as a donor-whether it's spare parts and accessories for the Dakota-other.
Another fact in a place on the roadside Tasikmalaya Ciawi provinces up to a year or two ago still had time to look also some Dakota who was restored to the same destination, sent abroad. It strengthened the evidence that a Dakota owned by a friend in the Volkswagen Club of Bandung after the sale and purchase transaction is completed with Japanese consumers directly restored in this place.

There are new facts if VW Dakota originating from Indonesia was not only sought after by Japanese consumers. After opening a website selling VW Classics located in the United Kingdom ( apparently sold some of Dakota there still have a license plate Indonesia when he said the location of the goods is in Ashbourne, Derbyshire. Maybe they have not had time to remove the license plate so it looks clear there are some with license plates Dakota B Jakarta, Semarang H, BM Dakota and some images which have obscured license plate.
There are several reasons which are estimated to consumers overseas, especially Japan choose Indonesia to search for scarce goods such as VW Dakota:
1. The low exchange rate of Indonesia.
2. To get the VW Dakota steer ya right like most cheap in Indonesia than if they bring in from England or Australia .....